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Vaccine Education Workshops

Doctor Teaching on Seminar
Vaccine Education Workshops for Community Engagement


This workshop section of our site contains free download materials with accurate information about vaccines for COVID-19, HPV, and Flu. The materials have been organized into "Toolkits." The toolkits are intended to help community leaders plan and host 1-hour long learning sessions to answer frequently asked questions about the vaccines. Workshop segments offered in this section are: 

"Let's Talk About COVID-19 Vaccine" Workshop Toolkit
(English and Spanish)
Updated Spanish Translations Coming Soon

The Arkansas Department of Health and its partners developed the COVID-19 Vaccine Workshop Toolkit. This toolkit will help community leaders plan and host hour-long learning sessions to answer frequently asked questions about the vaccines. The toolkit includes an easy-to-read Booklet for participants, a Leader Guide with everything you need for your session, a PowerPoint presentation, and a volunteer script for volunteer leaders. If you are interested in hosting a workshop, please email

Allie Staton, PharmD at

1. Welcome Letter Updated May 2024.png
Welcome to the COVID-19 Toolkit
4. Lets Talk About COVID-19 PP Updated May 2024.png
Let's Talk About COVID-19 PowerPoint Presentation
2. Title Page Leader's Guide COVID Updated May 2024.png
COVID-19 Workshop Leader's Guide
5aa. Title Page Additional Documents COVID Updated May 2024.png
COVID-19 Workshop Additional Documents
3. COVID Booklet Updated May 2024.png
COVID-19 Booklet

Please complete this survey and let ImmunizeAR know about your experience!


El COVID-19 ha sido devastador para nuestras comunidades. Pero ahora, gracias a la disponibilidad de nuevas vacunas contra el COVID-19, tenemos una herramienta importante para combatir la pandemia. Necesitamos ayuda de líderes comunitarios para equipar a los miembros de la comunidad con información correcta acerca de las vacunas.


El Departamento de Salud de Arkansas y sus asociados desarrollaron el Conjunto de Herramientas del Taller de Vacunas contra el COVID-19. Este conjunto de herramientas ayudará a los líderes a planificar y organizar sesiones de aprendizaje de una hora de duración para responder a preguntas frecuentes acerca de las vacunas. El conjunto de herramientas incluye una Guía Comunitaria fácil de leer para los participantes, una presentación de transparencias y una Guía para el Líder con todo necesita para su sesión. 

COVID-19 Vaccine: Learn the Facts to Stay Safe and Protect Others - Leader Guide
COVID-19 Workshop Announcement Flyer
COVID-19 Vaccines: Learn the Facts to Stay Safe and Protect Others - Leader Guide Volunteer Script
COVID-19 Vaccine Community Workbook

"HPV Vaccine is Cancer Prevention" Workshop Toolkit

Immunize Arkansas and the Arkansas Cancer Coalition are working together to prevent cancers caused by the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) by promoting the use of the HPV vaccine. Together they have developed the “HPV Vaccine is Cancer Prevention” workshop toolkit. This is a 1-hour long workshop to inform young adults and parents of older boys and girls about HPV infection and how it can be prevented by the HPV vaccine.


The HPV Vaccine is Cancer Prevention Workshop toolkit has all the materials that a community leader might need to plan and host such a workshop for the people they serve. The materials include a Leader’s Manual, an easy-to-read booklet for workshop participants, a PowerPoint slide presentation, and other documents designed to make it easy for anyone to plan and host a workshop. If you are interested in hosting a workshop, please email

Welcome to the HPV Prevention Toolkit
HPV Vaccine is Cancer Prevention Leader's Manual
Additional Documents photo.png
Additional HPV Workshop Documents
HPV Workshop PowerPoint Presentation
If you hosted a workshop, please let us know. Complete this survey »

"Let's Talk About the Flu" Workshop Toolkit
(English & Spanish)
Updated Spanish Translations Coming Soon

Thank you for your interest in preventing flu in your community. ImmunizeAR has created a toolkit to help you. The idea behind the toolkit is to show you how you can put on a Flu Prevention Workshop for a group of people. It could be any group that you are involved with--your church, community based organization, neighborhood centers, senior centers, homeless shelters, synagogue, social club, quilting group, or anyone you want to invite. The toolkit is a collection of all the materials you need to put on a one-hour Flu Prevention Workshop. The purpose of the workshop is to help people learn the facts about the flu, how to prevent it, and get a flu vaccine if they haven’t had one.


Arkansas community leaders thank you for choosing the Flu Prevention Workshop toolkit, it will allow you to provide education and influenza vaccines to your community members. If you are interested in hosting a workshop, please email Allie Staton, PharmD at .

1. Flu Welcome Letter May 2024.png
Welcome to the Flu Toolkit
Leader Guide Updated May 2024.png
Flu Workshop Leader's Guide
Flu Booklet
Let's Talk About The Flu
Powerpoint Presentation
If you hosted a workshop, please let us know! Complete this survey. (click here to go to survey)


Gracias por su interés en prevenir la gripe en su comunidad. La idea detrás del kit de herramientas, creado por la Coalición Acción para la Inmunización de Arkansas, es mostrarle cómo puede realizar un Taller de Prevención de la Gripe para un grupo de personas. Este grupo podría ser cualquier grupo en el que usted esté involucrado: de su iglesia, organización comunitaria, centro comunitario, centro para personas mayores, refugios para personas sin hogar, sinagoga, club social, grupo de manualidades, o cualquier persona que quiera invitar. El kit de herramientas es una colección de todos los materiales que necesitará para organizar un taller de prevención de la gripe en una hora. El objetivo del taller es ayudar a las personas a tener información sobre la gripe, saber cómo prevenirla y a adquirir la vacuna contra la gripe si aún no la tiene.


Los líderes de la comunidad de Arkansas agradecen que haya elegido el kit de herramientas para realizar un Taller de  Prevención de la Gripe, que le permitirá brindar educación y vacunas contra la influenza a los miembros de su comunidad.

Welcome to the Flu Toolkit
Flu Workshop Photo Release Form
Flu Workshop Leader's Manual
Flu Booklet
Flu Workshop Announcement Flyer
Let's Talk About The Flu
Powerpoint Presentation
Flu Workshop Sign-In Sheet
Flu Workshop Warmup Activity
Flu Workshop "What Did I Learn?" Sheet
Flu Workshop Leader Summary
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