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Training & Education
For Health Professionals

Doctor with Infant
Health care professionals play a pivotal role in increasing vaccination rates and uptake. We have provided a variety of resources to help you stay current on vaccine issues.

Events & Announcements

COVID-19 Vaccine Update PROMO.webp
COVID-19 Vaccine Update PROMO_accredation statement.webp

Join Dr. Allie Staton to learn about the most recent updates to COVID-19 vaccines and recommendations. In this live CE webinar series, Dr. Staton will address common topics of discussion around COVID-19 vaccines.

Live webinars will be held on an as-needed basis.

For each webinar, live continuing education credits will be offered at NO COST to:

  • Pharmacists

  • Pharmacy Technicians

  • Nurses

  • Physicians

  • PAs


  • Interpret current COVID-19 vaccine guidelines

  • Recommend appropriate vaccines to patients and community members

  • Discuss current COVID-19 vaccine guidelines and recommendations

Get Email Updates:

Please click here to receive communication about webinars in this series.

Arkansas Pharmacy Immunization Law Update
(for Arkansas pharmacists) 

Arkansas Pharmacy Laws regarding immunizations were updated as a result of the Arkansas Legislative Session in 2021. 

Immunize Arkansas has created a document for pharmacists to more easily understand the updated immunization laws. 

Note: Some of the pharmacy immunization law updates are related to pharmacy practice while other updates are related to licensing. Updates regarding pharmacist licensing are not a reflection of best practices or expectations for pharmacy providers to administer vaccines.

Additional questions regarding pharmacy immunization laws should be directed to the Arkansas State Board of Pharmacy.

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